How Mainstream Media and Deep State Actors Brainwash Americans Against Trump: Now You Can Break The Spell with This Powerful Information

How You Can Expose the Mainstream Media Deep State Tactics and Techniques to Manipulate the Minds of Americans and Turn Them Against President Trump...

Learn how these entities are working together to undermine your future by destroying Trump's presidency and his supporters, and how you can stop the media and the deep state from brainwashing Americans, such as: 

  • Spreading lies and misinformation about Trump and his policies, while censoring or ignoring his achievements and positive news. 
  • Creating false narratives and framing Trump as a villain, a racist, a traitor, a dictator, or a threat to democracy, while portraying his opponents as heroes, patriots, or victims. 

  • Using emotional manipulation and fear-mongering to influence the feelings and opinions of Americans, while suppressing or ridiculing their critical thinking and rationality. \

  • Using social engineering and peer pressure to isolate and marginalize Trump supporters, while promoting conformity and groupthink among the masses. 

  • Using propaganda and indoctrination to shape the beliefs and values of Americans, while eroding their sense of identity and patriotism. 

The article warns that these methods of mind control are very effective and dangerous, and that they can have serious consequences for the future of America. The article urges Americans to wake up and resist the brainwashing, and to seek the truth and support Trump. The article concludes by saying that Trump is the only one who can save America from the tyranny of the media and the deep state.

Do you believe everything they tell you about President Donald Trump?

How much do you trust the mainstream media and the deep state? 

 Do you think they have your best interests at heart?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a victim of mind control.

The mainstream media and the deep state are two powerful entities that have a common agenda: to destroy Trump’s presidency and undermine his supporters. They are working together to achieve their goal by using various tactics and techniques to manipulate the minds of Americans and turn them against each other and anyone questioning their false narratives like Trump. 

They are spreading lies and misinformation, creating false narratives, using emotional manipulation, applying social engineering, and employing propaganda and indoctrination. 

They are brainwashing Americans to hate Trump except it's not working as more light shines and exposes their dark deeds!

Why are they doing this? Because they fear Trump. They fear his vision, his policies, his achievements, and his popularity. They fear that he will expose their corruption, their crimes, their secrets, and their plans. They fear that he will drain the swamp, restore the rule of law, defend the constitution, and make America great again.

You have the power to expose the truth about how the mainstream media and the deep state are brainwashing Americans to oppose Trump. You can shine light on their darkness and expose them. Share this article. It provides evidence and arguments to support this claim. It shows how you can break free from their mind control, seek the truth, and support Trump. 

This article is not for those who blindly follow the media and the deep state, but for those who want to think for themselves and make their own decisions. 

This article is for those who love America and want to preserve its freedom and democracy.

How are the mainstream media and the deep state brainwashing Americans to sabotage Trump? Are their efforts now backfiring against them with public awareness increasing?

Let’s look at some of the tactics and techniques they are using, and how they are affecting the minds of Americans.

Spreading lies and misinformation. 

One of the most common and effective ways to brainwash someone is to feed them false or distorted information, while censoring or ignoring the truth. The media and the deep state are doing this constantly, by lying about Trump and his policies, while hiding or downplaying his achievements and positive news. For example, they lied about Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that he was incompetent, irresponsible, and uncaring, while ignoring his efforts to secure vaccines, provide relief, and reopen the economy. They also lied about Trump’s foreign policy, accusing him of being weak, reckless, and isolationist, while overlooking his successes in brokering peace deals, confronting adversaries, and strengthening allies. They even lied about Trump’s personality, portraying him as a narcissist, a bigot, a criminal, or a lunatic, while dismissing his compassion, generosity, integrity, and intelligence. By spreading lies and misinformation, the media and the deep state are creating a negative image of Trump in the minds of Americans, making them distrust and despise him.

Creating false narratives. 

Another way to brainwash someone is to create a false narrative or a story that frames someone as the villain. The Mainstream Media and the deep state are doing this frequently, by creating false narratives that frame Trump as a villain, a racist, a traitor, a dictator, or a threat to democracy, while framing his opponents as heroes, patriots, victims, or defenders of freedom. 

For example, they created the false narrative of the Russia collusion, claiming that Trump conspired with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, while ignoring the evidence that it was actually the Democrats and the deep state who colluded with foreign agents to spy on Trump and his campaign. 

They also created the false narrative of the impeachment, accusing Trump of abusing his power and obstructing justice, while overlooking the fact that it was actually the Democrats and the deep state who abused their power and obstructed justice by launching a baseless and partisan witch hunt against Trump. 

They even created the false narrative of the Capitol riot, blaming Trump for inciting violence and insurrection, while disregarding the fact that it was actually the Democrats and the deep state who instigated and facilitated the violence and insurrection by stealing the election and silencing the voices of millions of Americans. By creating false narratives, the media and the deep state are shaping the perception of reality in the minds of Americans, making them believe that Trump is evil and his opponents are good.

Using emotional manipulation.

A third way to brainwash someone is to use emotional manipulation or fear-mongering to influence their feelings and opinions. The media and the deep state are doing this constantly, by using negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, or guilt to manipulate Americans into hating Trump. For example, they used fear to scare Americans into accepting lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and other restrictions in the name of the COVID-19 pandemic, while blaming Trump for the deaths and suffering caused by the virus. They also used anger to incite Americans into protesting, rioting, and looting in the name of social justice, while accusing Trump of being a racist and a fascist who oppresses minorities and violates human rights. They also used hatred to inflame Americans into attacking, harassing, and canceling Trump supporters, while portraying them as deplorable, ignorant, or violent extremists who threaten democracy and peace. They also used guilt to shame Americans into accepting open borders, globalism, and socialism, while condemning Trump as a nationalist and a capitalist who exploits the poor and destroys the environment. By using emotional manipulation, the media and the deep state are controlling the emotions and opinions of Americans, making them feel and think negatively about Trump.

Social engineering and peer pressure

A fourth tactic and technique that the media and the deep state are using to manipulate the minds of Americans and turn them against Trump is social engineering and peer pressure. They are using social norms, incentives, sanctions, or rewards to influence the behavior and choices of Americans. For example, they used social norms to make Americans conform to their agenda, by creating a false consensus that everyone agrees with them and opposes Trump, while labeling anyone who disagrees with them as a conspiracy theorist, a terrorist, or a traitor. They also used incentives to make Americans comply with their demands, by offering them benefits or privileges such as access to social media, entertainment, education, or employment, while denying or threatening to take away those benefits from Trump supporters. They also used sanctions to make Americans fear the consequences of supporting Trump, by imposing penalties or punishments such as censorship, deplatforming, boycotts, lawsuits, or violence, while rewarding those who denounce or betray him. They also used rewards to make Americans feel good about themselves for following their lead, by praising them as virtuous, enlightened, or patriotic, while shaming those who resist as immoral, ignorant, or disloyal. By using social engineering and peer pressure, the media and the deep state are isolating and marginalizing Trump supporters, while promoting conformity and groupthink among the masses. This makes it harder for Trump supporters to express their views, defend their rights, or challenge the status quo. It also makes it easier for the media and the deep state to manipulate the public opinion, suppress the dissent, and advance their agenda.


Propaganda and indoctrination

A fifth tactic and technique that the media and the deep state are using to manipulate the minds of Americans and turn them against Trump is propaganda and indoctrination. They are using messages, images, symbols, or stories to shape the beliefs and values of Americans, while eroding their sense of identity and patriotism. For example, they used propaganda to make Americans adopt their ideology, by repeating slogans, catchphrases, or hashtags that promote their agenda, such as “resist”, “impeach”, or “black lives matter”, while demonizing Trump and his supporters as “fascists”, “racists”, or “deplorables”. They also used indoctrination to make Americans reject their heritage, by rewriting history, removing statues, renaming buildings, or changing curricula that reflect America’s founding principles, traditions, and achievements, while glorifying its enemies, failures, and flaws. They even used propaganda and indoctrination to make Americans renounce their loyalty, by attacking the symbols, institutions, or values that represent America’s identity and sovereignty, such as the flag, the anthem, the constitution, or the military, while praising those who disrespect, undermine, or betray them. By using propaganda and indoctrination, the media and the deep state are shaping the beliefs and values of Americans, while eroding their sense of identity and patriotism. This makes it easier for them to divide and conquer the nation, weaken its morale and resolve, and transform it into a socialist or globalist state.


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